Access Specifiers
An access specifier defines the scope of a class member. A class member refers to the variables and functions in a class. A program can have many classes. The programmer gets the privilege to decide the of use access specifier to implement encapsulation and abstraction in C#.
C# supports five types of access specifiers
They are:-
The public access specifier in C# allows a class to expose
its member variables and member functions to other functions and objects. So
any member declared public can be accessed outside the class also.
using System;
namespace HelloWorld
class hello
public int iNum1;
class MyMainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
hello HelloObject=new hello();
HelloObject.iNum1=10; /* since variable iNum1 is public it can be accessed in other classes also*/
} } }
namespace HelloWorld
class hello
public int iNum1;
class MyMainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
hello HelloObject=new hello();
HelloObject.iNum1=10; /* since variable iNum1 is public it can be accessed in other classes also*/
} } }
The private access specifier in C# is just opposite to the
public access specifier. That is it allows a class to hide
its member variables and member functions from other class objects and
functions. So it is not visible outside the class. By default, the access specifier is private; if public, private or
protected is not specified.
using System;
namespace HelloWorld
class hello
public int iNum1;
private int iNum2;
public hello()
class MyMainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
namespace HelloWorld
class hello
public int iNum1;
private int iNum2;
public hello()
class MyMainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
hello HelloObject=new
//Here since variable iNum1 is public it can
be accessed in other classes also
HelloObject.iNum2=20; /*This line will return an Error since the access to this variable is Private. So it cannot be accessed outside the class*/
HelloObject.iNum2=20; /*This line will return an Error since the access to this variable is Private. So it cannot be accessed outside the class*/
The protected access specifier in C# allows a class to hide its
member variables and member functions from other class objects and functions,
except the child class. This access specifier is used when we need to use
Inheritance in the program.
using System;
namespace HelloWorld
class hello
public int iNum1;
protected int iNum2;
class world : hello
public int AddDetails()
return iNum1+iNum2;
namespace HelloWorld
class hello
public int iNum1;
protected int iNum2;
class world : hello
public int AddDetails()
return iNum1+iNum2;
class MyMainClass
static void Main(string[] args)
world worldObject=new world();
worldObject.iNum1=50; //Line 1 No Error
worldObject.iNum2=10; //Line 2 Error
static void Main(string[] args)
world worldObject=new world();
worldObject.iNum1=50; //Line 1 No Error
worldObject.iNum2=10; //Line 2 Error
The internal access specifier in C# allows a class to expose its
member variables and member functions to other function and objects. It can be
accessed from any class or method defined with the application in which the
member is defined. The default access specifier is internal for a class.
protected internal:
The protected internal access specifier in C# allows methods or member variables accessible to a class and its derived classes inside the same assembly or namespace within a file. These members cannot be accessed from class inside another assembly or a file.
The protected internal access specifier in C# allows methods or member variables accessible to a class and its derived classes inside the same assembly or namespace within a file. These members cannot be accessed from class inside another assembly or a file.
using System;
class Student
private string sAddress;
protected string sPhNo;
protected internal long iZipCode;
void Hello()
Console.WriteLine(“Hello World!”);
internal void Hello2()
Console.WriteLine(“Hello Student!”);
public void SetAddress()
Console.WriteLine(“Enter Address:”);
sAddress = Console.ReadLine();
class Student
private string sAddress;
protected string sPhNo;
protected internal long iZipCode;
void Hello()
Console.WriteLine(“Hello World!”);
internal void Hello2()
Console.WriteLine(“Hello Student!”);
public void SetAddress()
Console.WriteLine(“Enter Address:”);
sAddress = Console.ReadLine();
public void SetPhNo()
Console.WriteLine(“Enter your Phone Number:”)
sPhNo = Console.ReadLine();
public void SetZipCode()
Console.WriteLine(“Enter the Zip Code: “);
iZipCode =Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine());
public void DisplayStudent()
Console.WriteLine(“The Address is: {0}”, sAddress);
Console.WriteLine(“Enter your Phone Number:”)
sPhNo = Console.ReadLine();
public void SetZipCode()
Console.WriteLine(“Enter the Zip Code: “);
iZipCode =Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine());
public void DisplayStudent()
Console.WriteLine(“The Address is: {0}”, sAddress);
class Display
static void Main(string[] args)
Student John = new Student();
static void Main(string[] args)
Student John = new Student();
Console.WriteLine(John.sAddress); //Error: protected members cannot be accessed
John.SetAddress(); //public members can be accessed outside the class definition
John.SetPhNo(); //public members can be accessed outside the class definition
Console.WriteLine(John.sPhNo); //error: protected internal members cannot be accessed outside the class definition
John.SetZipCode(); //public members can be accessed outside the class definition
John.DisplayStudent(); // public members can be accessed outside the class definition
Console.WriteLine(John.sAddress); //error: private members cannot be accessed outside the class definition
John.Hello(); //error: private members cannot be accessed outside the class definition
John.Hello2(); //displays Hello student!
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