Wednesday, March 13, 2013

.Net Framework Basics

.Net Framework

The .NET Framework

The .NET Framework is an integral Microsoft Windows component designed to support next-generation applications and services.

The simplest types in the .NET Framework, primarily numeric and Boolean  types, are  value types. Value types are variables that contain their data directly  instead of containing a reference to the data stored elsewhere in memory. There are three general   value types:

Built-in types

User-defined types


Built-in Value Types

1.System.SByte  (SByte/sbyte) 1 –128 to 127 Signed byte values

2.System.Byte    1 0 to 255 Unsigned bytes

3.System.Int16  (Short/short)  2 –32768 to 32767

4.System.Int32 (Integer/int)  4 –2147483648 to 2147483647 Whole numbers

5.System.UInt32   (UInteger/uint)  4 0 to 4294967295 Positive whole numbers

6.System.Int64  (Long/long)  8 –9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 Large whole numbers

7.System.Single   (Single/float)  4 –3.402823E+38 to 3.402823E+38

Floating point Numbers

8.System.Double  (Double/double)  8 –1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308  Precise or large floating point numbers

9.System.Decimal  (Decimal/decimal) 16 –79228162514264337593543950335 to79228162514264337593543950335 Financial and scientific calculations   requiring  great precision

other value types are

i. System.Char

There are nearly 300 more value types in the Framework


Enumerations are related symbols that have fixed values. Use enumerations to provide a list of choices for developers using your class.

Eg 1:
enum Titles : int { Mr, Ms, Mrs, Dr };
Titles t = Titles.Dr;
Console.WriteLine("{0}.", t);


public enum Genders : int { Male, Female };
public Genders gender;

Collections and Generics

Collections—classes used for grouping and managing related objects that allow you to  iterate over those objects . The .NET Framework’s System.Collections namespace supports several types of collections.

Types of Collections

Name                                                  Description

ArrayList                     A simple resizeable, index-based collection of objects
SortedList                  A sorted collection of name/value pairs of objects
Queue                         A first-in, first-out collection of objects
Stack                          A last-in, first-out collection of objects
Hashtable                 A collection of name/value pairs of objects that allows retrieval by    name   or index
StringCollection     A simple resizeable collection of strings
StringDictionary     A collection of name/values pairs of strings that allows retrieval by name or index

ListDictionary             An efficient collection to store small lists of objects
HybridDictionary       A collection that uses a ListDictionary for storage when the number of  
                                        items in the collection is small, and then migrates the items to a
                                        Hashtable for large collections

NameValueCollection    A collection of name/values pairs of strings that allows retrieval by name or index


ArrayList contains a simple list of values that we can add , insert , delete , view etc operations in C#


ArrayList coll = new ArrayList();

string s = "Hello";
coll.Add(new object());

string[] anArray =new string[] { "more", "or", "less" };


// Removes first item in ArrayList


// Removes first four items in ArrayList
coll.RemoveRange(0, 4);

//Adding Arraylist values into ListBox
ArrayList newColl = new ArrayList();
foreach (string item in newColl)
ListBox1.Items.Add (item);

//sorting items in arraylist

newColl .Sort();

Queue Class

The Queue class is a collection for dealing with first-in, first-out (FIFO) handling of sequential objects

Queue Properties

Name                          Description

Count                         Gets the number of items in the queue
Dequeue                     Retrieves an item from the front of the queue, and removes it.                       
Enqueue                     Adds an item to the end of the queue
Peek                            Retrieves the first item from the queue without actually removing it.


Queue q = new Queue();
while (q.Count > 0)

The Stack Class

The Stack class is a last-in, first-out (LIFO) collection.The interface to the Stack class is also very simple: it supports pushing items into the stack and popping them out.

Stack Properties

Name                                  Description

Count                                     Gets the number of items in the stack

Stack Methods

Name                                Description

Pop                             Retrieves an item from the top of the stack, removing it at the same time.  
Push                           Adds an item to the top of the stack

Peek                            Retrieves the top item from the stack without removing it


Stack s = new Stack();
while (s.Count > 0)


The Dictionary classes supported by the .NET Framework are used to map a key to a
value. Essentially, they exist to allow you to create lookup tables that can map arbitrary
keys to arbitrary values. the Hashtable class is used to do this mapping of key/value pairs.


Hashtable emailLookup = new Hashtable();
emailLookup[""] = "Bishop, Scott";
emailLookup[""] = "Hess, Christian";
emailLookup[""] = "Jump, Dan";
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in emailLookup)
ListBox1.Items.Add (entry.Value);


/*  foreach (object name in emailLookup.Values)
ListBox1.Items.Add (name);

SortedList Class

Although the SortedList class is definitely a dictionary class, it shares some of its behavior with how simple lists work. This means that you can access items stored in the SortedList in order.


SortedList sort = new SortedList(new DescendingComparer());
sort["First"] = "1st";
sort["Second"] = "2nd";
sort["Third"] = "3rd";
sort["Fourth"] = "4th";
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in sort)
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", entry.Key, entry.Value);



The HybridDictionary is best used in situations where  some lists are small and others are very large.


HybridDictionary emailLookup = new HybridDictionary ();
emailLookup[""] = "Bishop, Scott";
emailLookup[""] = "Hess, Christian";
emailLookup[""] = "Jump, Dan";
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in emailLookup)

Equivalent Generic Types

Corresponding to every collection type there is equivalent generic types. The peculiarity of generic is that it is type specific.


Type                                     Generic Type

ArrayList                               List<>

Queue                                   Queue<>

Stack                                    Stack<>

Hashtable                           Dictionary<>

SortedList                         SortedList<>

ListDictionary                 Dictionary<>

HybridDictionary           Dictionary<>

OrderedDictionary        Dictionary<>

SortedDictionary         SortedDictionary<>


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